Superior Grandmaster
The tasks for the SGM are:
IThe SGM acts against the Visions of the Order, then the ICGM-ICM-CGM
and CM must connect to the Protector of the Order,
he will assemble a group from the mentioned ranks, they will together with the other SGM
have a Hearing, the Confronted SGM is allowed on that hearing to defend his actions.
The SGM is males and can never in time to come be worn by a Lady/woman.
The SGM have a shadow master, the shadow master knows all what the
SGM does, and can at need and requirement take his place , this is until
next in line can take the position as SGM, the position goes to the oldest
son, unless there by royal decree is announced otherwise.
Superior Grand masters position is always carried by one person alone.
International Council Grand Masters:
Master of Structure
The tasks for the Master of Structure are:
The Master of Structure position will only exist in the International Council.
Master of the Army of truth
The tasks for The Army of Truth:
1. Responsible for building up the Army department.
2. Must maintain and control the Army structure trough out the whole Order.
3. Finding the suitable Knights for using in the Army Dept.
4. Makes the structure for the Army Dept.
5. Teaching all the Knights in that dept. the Purpose for its being.
6. Assisting in the practical work in the Orders projects.
7. Supporting the Security Knights in their tasks if required.
8. At all times make sure this is an anti-violent department in accordance to the orders oat.
9. Works close with the master of security, regarding intern and extern issues.
10. Works close with the master of development regarding the need for the Dept.
11. Works close with the master of Hospitaller regarding calendar for the need for this Dept.
The Army of Truth is not an armed force, But a physical unit, which can
assist with man power where there could be a need for such.
Esquires may be asked to support the Army in their training period.
Army of Truth are both in IC and in the individual countries.
This master is obligated to have Military experience in which the required
assets/mind-set can be found.
Master of Security
The tasks for the security department:
The Master of Security is only answering to the SGM, as the tasks for this
Dept. are very important for the stability and wellbeing of The Order of Truth.
This department is however still under all rules canons and constitutions,
and will follow same sanctions as other members when breaking them.
All Members working in this department is sworn to stay silent regarding
all assignments and projects they are working with.
This department always reports direct to the SGM, until further notice with going public
with the results, when reporting to the SGM the normal procedure for approach is used.
These positions exist both in International Council as well as in the
individual Countries.
The tasks in this department are so big and complicated so there will be up
to 20 international council Masters
And 50 international council commanders connected in it.
Master of Administration
The tasks for the Administration Masters:
This department will advise the Country Grand Masters whether a
Member donation is paid or not. To be sure that members, which is not
active are reported to the required departments, and are not unauthorized
attending Order meetings.
This master overview the transactions of funds in the Order, but can’t
move funds on their own, this department does not have direct access to
the funds, unless granted with 3 signatures from ICGM and green light
from SGM, all the mentioned are required.
This position does exist both in the International Council, but also the
individual countries.
Master of Grand Councils
The tasks for the office of Grand Councils:
1. Maintain the communication line between ICGMs and SGM.
2. Maintain the communication line between ICGM and the ICM.
3. Maintain the communication line between ICGM and CGM.
4. Maintain the communication line between ICGM and CM.
5. Maintain the communication line between ICM and CM.
6. Maintain the communication line between ICC and CGM.
7. Maintain the communication line between ICC and ICM.
8. This department sort the relevant issues from irrelevant before establish the contact.
9. Transmitting all information’s between the different ruling Masters and deputy’s within the Order.
10. Forwarding assignments from SGM and IC towards the relevant organ of the Order.
11. Works close with the master of security to get all relevant assignments cleared.
12. Works close with the master of Audit for planning needed meetings.
13. Works close with master of information for getting required information out to specific groups.
14. Works close with master of PR for advising that dept. of the issues which goes public.
This department is very important for the Order for maintaining the right
way of how to approach the higher levels of authority; the dept. is always
alert in the process of evaluating what issues are cleared in the canons
constitutions and appendixes, and which are relevant to proceed to the
tables at the different offices.
This position does only exist in the International Council.
Master of Arms
The tasks for the Master of Arms:
1. Is developing the medals and other regalia, after need and requirement due to expansion.
2. Is part of new designing of regalia for the Order.
3. Maintain the relationship with the Orders suppliers of Medals Regalia Uniforms Swords etc.
4. Ordering the medals when the member obtaining it are cleared for the specific medal.
5. Ordering the flags for the Order overall, (Preceptorys, Priories, and etc.)
6. Verifying the payment for regalia are made before shipping it.
7. Verifying the regalia are allowed for the members before order or shipping it.
8. Responsible for the sword and flags always are available for Order arrangements or meetings.
9. Works close with the master of security to get clearance before shipping.
10. Works close with the master of administration to get payment clearance for all orders before shipping.
11. Works close with the master of structure to know whether the member have the right to the requested regalia/insignia or medals.
The Master of arms have a great area to handle, this is why this
department can have 1 ICGM, 5 ICMs and 20 ICCs, the department always
have the latest update on the pricelist production costs and shipping fees.
Department of the Arms are in constant field work to make sure the Order
is among the most branded regarding regalia flags uniforms and more,
they make sure that the right medals swords flags and more goes to the
right people, NO mistakes are allowed in this department, they will report
attempt on obtaining unauthorized items, as fraud to the security
Is the responsible for ordering the Swords-medals-uniforms and flags. This
Master must achieve confirmations from Master of administration, that
the medals and more are approved to become part of the individual
member’s equipment.
The Master of Arms is working close with the SGM in constructing new
regalia medals insignia flags and more.
This Position does exist both in International Council and in the Countries.
Master of Public Relations
The tasks for the Public Relation Master:
The department which handles the PR for the Order, they must brand the
order, bring new ideas for promoting the Order and see the Order like
people outside would, these members must be able to handle conflicts with
common sense and stay calm at all time, they do not discuss with medias
or other public organs, they stick with the statements given and granted,
they do not represent themselves but the Order, so private opinions are of
no interest when attending PR arrangements.
They never go Public with
anything before it is approved by SGM or another Master which carries a
decree stating the Power to approve on behalf of SGM.
This department does only exist in the International Council.
Master of Developments
The Tasks for Master of development:
The master and the department of development must always present
developments for the IC and SGM if they are not approved in constitutions
and/or appendixes, all new developments can be approved only by vote in
IC, or by the SGM alone if required.
These positions exist both in the international council as well in the
individual countries.
Master of Treasury
Tasks for the master of treasure:
The department are obligated to be updated on item prices and donation
costs all the time, it must stay alert on things which are not according to
the assumed, and that is to be reported to master of security and SGM as
soon it can be done, there must however be prove regarding the issue.
The Treasury department are pledged to keep all information regarding
the Orders financial situation secret from anyone except accountants the SGM and involved Offices in IC.
This department can and will never have any access
to the funds in the Order, but is a monitoring unit.
This position is existing both in International council and in the individual countries.
Master of International Relations
Tasks for the master of the International Relations:
This department has the tasks to seek new potential countries for the Order
to be represented.
They will be pathfinders and scouts for the Order, when
finding a new potential area for starting a priory they will collect as much
info they can, before the Order sends in a diplomatic corps.
The department also handles all the correspondence with the orders
alliances in countries where the Order is not represented.
The department is responsible for branding the Order in potential
countries before the Order send a Diplomatic corps for making the new
establishment there, the international master always stay in close contact
with the master of PR to be sure we can publish every new and beneficial
progress the Order makes cross borders international.
This department does only exist in the International Council.
Master of Ceremony
The tasks for the Master of Ceremonies:
This department is handling all the arrangements the Order is having, all
from fundraising and goodwill arrangements to investiture, meetings and Honorary events.
They have to seek the best and most suitable location and the most ideal environment.
They have a protocol for each ceremony, so everyone knows how the procedure is.
They will always ask assistance from different offices in the Order up to all upcoming events.
They are responsible for arrangements are running smooth and perfect.
They get a budget from treasury and then they complete the ceremony within that line of funds.
This position is existing both in International council and in the individual countries.
Master of verifications
The Master of Verifications tasks:
This department does make verifications on everything in the Order, it can
be all, or can be random picked tests.
The main issue is to avoid that any
medals is send to receiver who are not allowed to have or wear it, to be
sure that when members are appointed Recognition or Merit, that the
reason for the appointment are valid and true, that Honorary members
receive the titles and awards on true base, not fraud or any other
misleading reasons.
The department collect information from all the other departments to
double control all moves, they have right to collect information required to
make their research, but they are still under the restrictions set in the
different offices.
Only SGM has clear, authorized and unlimited access to everything in the
Order, should there be a need for more information than they can get, they
will request the rest from the SGM.
This department does only exist in the International Council.
Master of Herald
Tasks for the Master of Herald:
This department must be in charge of finding the reasonable value in
events before they register it in the Orders history.
They are also responsible for keeping a history simple with as much details they can,
they keep a history also for ranks medals and awards, for the future
councils to learn from, so the guidelines for reasons to grant medals and
honours are kept in many century’s to come.
This department does only exist in the International Council.
Master of Councillors
Tasks for the Master Councillor:
1. Handles and passes all requests from outside the Order into the Order.
2. Handles all appointments before they are presented for IC or SGM.
3. Assist all non-members whom need to get in contact with an IC office.
4. Assist non-members who need to get in contact with SGM.
5. Assist members outside IC to be lead to the right IC office.
6. Works close with all IC masters.
7. Informs all IC offices of all UN authorized attempts to contact them.
8. Works close with the master of security for clarification of members before they are connected to the respective requested IC master or office.
This department are responsible for being the gate where all contact from
outside the International Council will have to pass, before the time of the IC is used.
The IC is a very busy Organ and can only use time on reasonable
and authentic cases and issues.
The department of Councillors are aware of all the rules constitutions and canons, as well as the changes
made in it, that way they can fast sort the right passes from the wrong and advice the
wrong where they can find the answer to their questions.
If the department of councillors are in reasonable doubt, they should contact the
respective office for guidance.
This position is existing both in International council and in the individual countries.
Master of Grand Exchequer
Tasks for the master of Grand Exchequer:
This department does handle the big perspective and overview in all Order financial activities.
Balances are presented to the International council once every month.
After being approved by SGM there will not be
presented any balances sheets or documentations to IC before all have been
checked and cleared by SGM master of administration and master of
This position does only work and exist in the International Council.
Master of Religion/theology
Tasks for the master of Religion and Theology:
The department of Theology and religion is working with Christianity
alone, their works I to maintain the work in the Order and the Members
stay in line with the guidelines of the 10 commandments and the way of
Christ by love kindness respect and compassion.
They also will assist all the
members in the spiritual and faithful personal growth.
The Members in this department are having a strong faith, and a high
moral, they have a spiritual feeling beyond most others.
This department will contain several Christian leaders from Priest hoods.
The department does exist both in the International Council and the Individual Country.
Master of Goodwill
Tasks for the master of Goodwill:
This department will always think and develop in ways which they can
keep promoting the Order in best and most positive way.
They are like the branding company, with the big client who they can’t afford to lose;
they will find new ways to bring positive projects into the light.
They will present the Order in such way that people want to join the Order, support
the Order and donate to the Orders Work.
They are constant fighting against bad publicity and bad projects, by seeing the bad issues even before
they become a reality, so the Order can act before damage is done.
This position does only work and exist in the International Council.
Master of Audits
Tasks for the master of Audits:
The department of the Audits is actually making the Audience between the different departments ranks Etc.
They will evaluate the need and reason before setting the meeting.
They are responsible for being updated on the IC members’ calendar before they can set meetings.
They also get the clearing from the specific requested department; this department have a good
knowledge and understanding in the constitutions rules and conclaves for the Order as well for the
Order of Rurikovich, and the Royal Imperial house which are the Protecting part of
The Imperial Order of Truth.
This position does only exist in the International Council.
Master of external affairs
Tasks for the master of External Affairs:
This department is the strongest asset the Order has on the field working outside the Order,
the search projects, places members and all thinkable things that could be value for the Orders Vision,
Missions, Growth, Brand, and much more.
This department takes care of all the practical things required before starting a new project in new country,
or local areas.
They collect information on what permissions are required and needed in what
areas and how to achieve them.
This position exists both in International Council and in the individual Country.
Master of the Grand Hospitaller
Tasks for the master of Grand Hospitaller:
The office of the Hospitaller is all over the activities, they calculate time frames, they are adjusting the
Orders calendar and makes sure that not 2 events happing on top on each other.
They give dates to departments in the Order, where they can hold their arrangement.
They advise the department of Security of events where the Security may be required.
This position exists both in International Council and in the individual Country.
Master of Protocol
Tasks for the master of Protocol:
The department for protocol are required to collect and connect all sides
and issues in an event, investiture, ceremony etc. to be sure all will be
running into a perfect planned arrangement, all must be double checked
by this department, and confirmed by other offices upon request.
They willprovide a written protocol to every meeting, ceremony, investiture etc. If
there is required protocol beside the standard, this department will make
one to the specific arrangement.
New protocol must be approved by SGM before set into effect.
This position exists both in International Council and in the individual Country.
Master of Cross Boarder Religions
Tasks for the master of cross border religious:
The department for cross border religions are working for the Order to
understand (not necessary respect) the other non-Christian religions.
They provide the Order with issues in which we can work together for the love of
mankind, whiteout the religion will suffer in any means.
They present projects in areas where the religion is not the ruling part of life, and by
that open a door for healthy dialog.
This department does only exist in the International Council.
Master of Fundraising
Tasks for the Master of Fundraising:
The Department of fundraising are always looking for new ways to
generate income for both the Order but also the Orders already existing
They will make fundraising events from idea to execution of the arrangement.
They are coordinating all the required issues cross the
involved offices and always maintain their overall goal, which is to raise
money and assure this is done in the spirit of the Order and according to
rules constitutions and canons.
They will make protocols for these events if one does not already exist.
This position exists both in International Council but also in the individual Countries.
Master of Information
Tasks for the Master of Information:
The office of Information are close connected to the SGM, they inform the
SGM of all the new information they plans to send.
All new information must be approved by either IC or SGM they makes sure there always is
new updated information provided to the webmaster.
They make sure there always is new updated information to appeal to new potential members.
They are planning all new material with PR dept. and Good Will dept.
To reassure the material to be distributed are done correct and according to guidelines in the Order.
This position does only exist in the International Council,
do to potential workload the Department can be allowed to expand its size to:
1 ICGM and 6 ICM and 12 ICCs.
Master of Internal Affairs
Tasks for the master of Internal Affairs;
This department are a special unit who handles all things regarding member’s events internal in the Order.
Their main task is to double test check every moves for fraud, they assist other departments in deeper
investigations if it is required.
This department are another security facility, this is to obtain and maintain the healthy structure of the Order.
They know all rules canons and constitutions in the Order, and by that they can find things in events,
protocols, and other arrangements which are not correct, then they can decide if there is a need for further
investigation, or the case is closed.
This department and positions does only exist in the International Council.
They can expand their member size according to the growth in the Order,
and they can however be maximum 1 ICGM, 8 ICM and 20 ICCs.
Countries ranks and tasks
The Appointed Grandmasters in each country
The tasks for the country Grand Masters:
The Country Grand Masters are selected by the IC, and approved by the SGM the tasks for the
CGM is to make the country he is head of, grow and work according to the purpose and visions,
in the Order.
The Country Grand Master must build up the country with assistance from the related IC members,
and approval from the International Council Grand Masters.
The Country Grand Masters must find their own deputy, one with same character as themselves,
the Deputy’s must be ready to stand in for the CGM at any need or request,
Deputy do know all activities the CGM makes and are involved in.
When a Country starts the Priory, the International Council appoint the Country Grand Master.
This CGM will be responsible for building and maintaining of the individual Country
He is the highest ranked officer in a Country.
When the Individual country reaching more than 2 Priory’s, the Country Grand Master appointed International
as the first CGM in the individual Country will become the Superior Country Grand Master for that Country.
Rules and regulations for expansion of an individual Country are specified
in the constitutions under article 15 regarding establishments.
The Country Grand Master has the responsibility to appoint the following Country Masters in the individual Country, they must be appointed according to the regulations within the Order.
The Country Masters in a Country:
Country Master of the Army of truth
The tasks for The Army of Truth:
This Country Master is direct under supervision from the Equal Department in the International Council.
They will receive new guidelines and changes from there, and they will approach that Department
if any questions in their field need clarifications.
Country Master of Security
The tasks for the security department:
They will receive new guidelines and changes from there, and they will approach that Department
if any questions in their field need clarifications.
Country Master of Administration
The tasks for the Administration Masters:
This Country Master is direct under supervision from the Equal Department in the International Council.
They will receive new guidelines and changes from there, and they will approach that Department
if any questions in their field need clarifications.
Country Master of Arms
The tasks for the Master of Arms:
1. Is developing the medals and other regalia, after need and requirement due to expansion.
2. Designing of regalia for the Order of Truth.
3. Maintain the relationship with the Orders suppliers of Medals Regalia Uniforms Swords etc.
4. Ordering the medals when the member obtaining it is cleared for the specific medal.
5. Ordering the flags for the Order overall, (Preceptorys, Priories, and etc.).
6. Verifying the payment for regalia is made before shipping it.
7. Verifying the regalia are allowed for the members before order or shipping it.
8. Responsible for the sword and flags always are available for Order arrangements or meetings.
9. Works close with the master of security to get clearance before shipping.
10. Works close with the master of administration to get payment clearance for all orders before shipping.
11. Works close with the master of structure to know whether the member have the right to the requested
regalia insignia or medals.
This Country Master is direct under supervision from the Equal Department in the International Council.
They will receive new guidelines and changes from there, and they will approach that Department
if any questions in their field need clarifications.
Country Master of Developments
The Tasks for Master of development:
1. Keeping the Order up to date in its structure.
2. Responsible for re ad venting ways for the Order to renew it self.
3. Finding new ways for the Order to gain expansion in all areas.
4. Always seek approval from the CGM before making steps into new ways.
5. Developing new ways to recognize and Honour members.
6. Developing new ways to recognize and Honour supporters and honorary members.
7. Presenting new ideas to help spiritual and personal growth for the members.
8. Presenting Ideas for the Order to become a stronger role model to the public.
9. Works close with the master of structure to streamline their work.
10. Works close with master of information for presenting new developments.
11. Works at best effort together with the rest of the Country Masters to streamline new actions.
This Country Master is direct under supervision from the Equal Department in the International Council.
They will receive new guidelines and changes from there, and they will approach that Department
if any questions in their field need clarifications.
Country Master of Treasury
Tasks for the master of treasure:
This Country Master is direct under supervision from the Equal Department in the International Council.
They will receive new guidelines and changes from there, and they will approach that Department
if any questions in their field need clarifications.
Country Master of Ceremony
The tasks for the Master of Ceremonies:
This Country Master is direct under supervision from the Equal Department in the International Council.
They will receive new guidelines and changes from there, and they will approach that Department
if any questions in their field need clarifications.
Country Master of Councillors
Tasks for the Master Councillor:
This Country Master is direct under supervision from the Equal Department in the International Council.
They will receive new guidelines and changes from there, and they will approach that Department
if any questions in their field need clarifications.
Country Master of Religion/theology
Tasks for the master of Religion and Theology:
This Country Master is direct under supervision from the Equal Department in the International Council.
They will receive new guidelines and changes from there, and they will approach that Department
if any questions in their field need clarifications.
Country Master of external affairs
Tasks for the master of External Affairs:
This Country Master is direct under supervision from the Equal Department in the International Council.
They will receive new guidelines and changes from there, and they will approach that Department
if any questions in their field need clarifications.
Country Master of Protocol
Tasks for the master of Protocol:
This Country Master is direct under supervision from the Equal
Department in the International Council.
They will receive new guidelines and changes from there, and they will approach that
Department if any questions in their field need clarifications.
Country Master of the Grand Hospitaller
Tasks for the master of Grand Hospitaller:
This Country Master is direct under supervision from the Equal
Department in the International Council. They will receive new guidelines
and changes from there, and they will approach that Department if any
questions in their field need clarifications.
Country Master of Fundraising
Tasks for the Master of Fundraising:
This Country Master is direct under supervision from the Equal
Department in the International Council.
They will receive new guidelines and changes from there, and they will approach that
Department if any questions in their field need clarifications.
Each of these masters must seek their knowledge and advice from the
ICGM in same branch; they will educate and help the CM to make their tasks.
All Appointed Country Master must find and appoint 1 deputy, who can
take over/stand into their place at any mean or request, they teach them
all they do and know in case they should become sick or out of reach.
If a master fails to educate their deputy’s it is considered a broken rule,
and handled like that.
They also must appoint 4 Grand Commanders who will assist them in their
tasks, the commanders must be teach the assignments in the specific area
of where they are being appointed to.
Country Grand Commanders:
Tasks for the Country Grand Commanders:
The Country Grand Commanders are a physical organ, which takes the
theoretical tasks and implant them into the practical world.
They are assisted by all different ranks in the Order; it all depends on the issue and
size of the specific individual task.
The CGC must teach the KC (knight Commanders)
their work areas and more, so the KCs can assist or take over
in any case or mean that it may be requested or required.
All Country Masters are chosen between the Country Grand Commanders.
Knight Officers Grand Cross:
The Knight Officers Grand Cross, does not have a task area, they are
ranked and honoured for the job they have executed in past.
Knight Officers Grand Cross, can be awarded previous to an upcoming project,
where they may be in charge for some practical assignments. Grand Cross
is a Symbol of Good effort, good behaviour and distinguished conduct.
The members awarded this are often well informed about the Order and the
rules constitutions running it; they can always advise and answer the most
common questions.
Knight Commanders :
Knight Commanders are appointed on reflection of their effort intern and
extern the Order, of how they promote the Order, and for how long they
have been active in the Order.
Knight Commanders are role models for the Knights; they act as Mentors
for all new members.
The commanders are most active in the local areas;
all Country Grand Commanders are appointed between the Knight Commanders.
Commanders are well informed of the commando way to approach the
CGM and IC.
Knights/Dames of the Order:
Then Knights and Dames in the Order are the most Valuated and
important members, without them the Order would maybe exist, but never
be able to make so many projects and other good things.
The Knights and Dames are role models for their Children, Neighbours, Family, colleges’,
business relations and friends they always act with Honour, and good
They are the representatives of the Order, and does in everyday
live act according to the Orders constitutions rules and regulations, just as
they like everyone else in the Order pledged and gave Oath to.
Samples of reasons for Knights to receive the appointment as
Knight Officer Grand Cross or Knight Commanders:
Finding 8 or more new Knights/Dames, Branding the Order more than the
expected to bring growth and expansion to the Order, demonstrate
extraordinary love toward their next, so God find pleasure in their
Demonstrate that friendship is not connected to Colour, religion or Origin,
but a Friend is one who will support you when you need it most, but
deserve it less, a Knight/Dame looks at the Local areas where they lives,
and makes suggestions for projects there.
They always give a helping hand
where they can; a Knight/Dame never pushes forward until tomorrow, if
a needy person asking.
Esquires follow their appointed mentors, from who they will learn all they
can, and they assist where they can.
They act just like the Knights and Dames, because this is what they
hopefully will become.