Article 10

The Country Priory



Country Grand Masters (CGM)


  • 1. This rank will be given to those who hold positions as Grand Masters for all individual countries, or those who are leading a region in an individual country.


  • 2. This rank can be held by up to 12 people in every country, as long the requirements are followed.


  • 3. The CGMs are marked with 3 blue stars on their ID card and Uniforms.




Country Grand Commander (CGC)


  • 1. This rank will be given to those who assist in the Order’s work and are considered as the right hand of the CGM.


  • 2. The CGCs are the replacements for the CGMs when needed.


  • 3. The CGCs are marked with 2 blue stars on ID card and uniform




Country Commanders (CC)


  • 1. This rank will be given to those who are assisting the CGC in all their Practical assignments,


  • 2. CC is the first in line to become the CGC as requested.


  • 3. The CC is marked with 1 blue star on their ID card and Uniform.




Knight Commanders (KC)


  • 1. This rank will be given to those who give the assistance to the CC CGC and CGM;


  • 2. KC is the members who will firstly be appointed to obtain ranks in country councils.


  • 3. The KC are marked with 3 grey stars on ID card and uniform




Knight Officers Grand Cross. (KOGC)


  • 1. This Recognizing title is given to members who did some very special intern or extern for the Order, the title does not come with further obligations, only it is expected who hold it continues to brand and promote the Order intern and extern.


  • 2. The KOGC are marked with 2 grey stars on ID card and Uniform.




Knights/Dames in The Imperial Order of Truth.


  • 1. This rank will be given to those who have been appointed and who have agreed to follow the laws of the Order and to carry out the Order's work.


  • 2. The Knights/Dames of the Order are marked with 1 grey star at the ID card and the Uniform.




Squire in the Imperial Order of TRUTH 


  • 1. This is the lowest rank of the Order.  Those who have agreed to live by the principles of the Order but are not yet invested are allowed to use this title.